On a mission to help you find your wine palate, and make it your own
Melanie makes it fun to learn how to taste, assess and enjoy wine with tasting programs customized for your team, club, group, or event. Whether a social evening for your club, a pre-wedding party, or a team-building event for your corporate offsite, Melanie is dedicated to taking the mystery out of wine tasting and putting the mystique back in.
She will help you move past your fear of the grape, the wine list, and the wine store so you can focus on wine love. Melanie is a certified wine specialist dedicated to helping anyone develop their wine palate, so they can better share the wine love. Melanie believes that you know what you like!

Wine tasting is a great team building opportunity. My extensive corporate background has taught me the importance of creating camaraderie in the workplace and of congenial teamwork protocols. I will come into your office or we can do it virtually. Through a series of interactive exercises, your team will learn all the fun stuff about wine, how to taste ‘like a pro’ and new knowledge to deepen their overall wine enjoyment. They will then break into teams to compete and show off their new wine tasting expertise, all in a relaxed environment that will build community.
At Home
My goal is to take the mystery out of wine and put the mystique back in. Everyone wants to know more about wine and to feel more confident ordering wine or buying it at the store. During my at-home (or virtual) tastings, I merge fun with education through wine tasting games and educational exercises that will not only help to build wine confidence, but deepen everyone’s enjoyment of wine. I can customize sessions to special events (wedding showers, birthday gatherings) or theme (The Bard and the Bottle: Shakespeare and Wine, The Best Barbecue Wines - put another Barossa on the Barbie, La Dolce Vita - Irresistible Italian Wines, Amor del Vino: Great Spanish Wines, etc.)
All tastings and classes are available virtually.

Melanie’s 'in your home' wine tasting is a fantastic, fun way to learn about wines and wine tasting. We had some experienced tasters as well as newcomers in our group — everyone had a blast and came away with new and useful information. It’s truly a great way to spend an afternoon drinking wine and feel like you also learned something!