Designed to help you move past your fear of the grape so you can focus on your love for wine.
Not every wine lover/student wants a wine certification or to take an exam, so MWWine School offers a series of seminars and workshops focused on taking the mystery out of wine … and putting the mystique (and fun!) back in.
These tasting sessions are designed to help you move past your fear of the grape, of the wine list, and of the wine store, so you can focus on wine love.
The sessions merge fun with knowledge through wine tasting games and exercises that will not only help to build wine confidence, but deepen everyone’s enjoyment of wine.
Sample sessions include Tasting Like a Pro, How to Pair Food and Wine, Going Sideways with Pinot and Merlot, How to Identify Aromas/Flavors in Wine, The Bard and the Bottle: Shakespeare and Wine, From Nun to Nirvana: Learning to Love Sweet Wines, The Best Barbecue Wines – (Put another Barossa on the Barbie), La Dolce Vita - Irresistible Italian Wines, Amor del Vino: Great Spanish Wines, and more.
Click here for more info about how to book a Private/Corporate Tasting seminar/event.

How to Taste Wine Like a Pro
Seminar Dates for 2024 are TBA
Learn how to assess wine quality, just as the professionals do, through an easy-to-implement tasting system. This interactive tasting seminar includes tasting of 6+ wines, a take-home tasting grid, and a collaborative blind tasting, offering a great refresher for those in the know, and a fun primer and confidence builder for those who are just starting their wine exploration.
How to Pair Food with Wine
Seminar Dates for 2024 are TBA
This session will help you understand the key principles behind successful food and wine pairing and identify which food components are wine enemies, which are wine friends. Through interactive exercises, the session will illustrate why all palates are not the same, that individual preferences are key, while also demonstrating why pairings like Brut Champagne and wedding cake can be a definite don’t! The session includes the tasting of six wines, food and wine pairing exercises, and more.

This is a fantastic, fun way to learn about wines and wine tasting. We had some experienced tasters as well as newcomers in our group — everyone had a blast and came away with new and useful information. It’s truly a great way to spend an afternoon or evening drinking wine and feel like you also learned something!